Caring For Kids

Caring for kids is a registered charity set up by inkntoneruk to help the lives of underprivileged children within the UK.

Every time you send back your empty ink cartridge for recycling inkntoneruk donates some of the money from that cartridge to caring for kids.

In addition, InknTonerUK have donated thousands of pounds to key children’s charities who are helping to make the lives of disadvantaged children better.

Every time you send back your empty ink cartridge you are helping to make a difference to their lives and also to the environment.

Some of the beneficiaries of caring for kids are:

Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity

Supporting families with life threatening or terminal illness.


Helping children in poverty, young carers and families looking to foster or adopt.


Charity granting wishes of children and young people aged between 3 and 17 living with life threatening illnesses.


National Society To The Prevention To Cruelty To Children

Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital

World-class medical support for children

InknTonerUK send out recycling bags with orders where we would like the empty ink cartridge back. All you have to do is pop your empty ink cartridge into the bag and post it back to us. The bag comes with our freepost address so there are no postage costs for sending your ink cartridge back to us.

Furthermore, your empty ink cartridges have value and some can go through the recycling processes. So rather than letting your empty ink cartridge go to land fill and take hundreds of years to decompose you can send it back to us and help make the lives of thousands of children better.

An ink cartridge can take up to 800 years to decompose and uses roughly a litre of oil in its manufacture. With over 45 million ink cartridges going to landfill in the UK alone you can see the amount of wastage there is of precious resources which can be easily go through the recycling process and their revenues may additionally be channelled into worthwhile causes.

So remember the next time your ink cartridge runs out of ink, don’t bin it, recycle it and help make the lives of thousands of underprivileged children in the UK that bit better.

You can also find future ink cartridge purchases here: Additionally, remember to bookmark us for the next time you need to buy your ink cartridges online and let us take care of your printing needs with the click of a button.

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About aalim

aalim is the "Creative Guru" at Ink N Toner UK, and writes the intriguing blog articles you all love to read. When he is not writing about things related to printers, he is exploring his mind to find other wonderful things that you will be happy to read about.