Happy Birthday Thor and Hulk!

hulk banner


Its Chris Hemsworth’s and Hulk Hogan’s Birthday today!

To celebrate the birthday of these two incredible actors, we at Ink n Toner UK have decided to pay tribute to two of your favourite Avengers: Thor and Hulk! Here at Ink n Toner UK we have created Avenger printables to print from home using your ink cartridges or toner cartridges from Ink n Toner UK.

We want to know if you are worthy of lifting Thor’s hammer, so we have created a Mjolnir printable so you can find out. Smash it with our Hulk’s fist printable, but don’t get too angry… we wouldn’t like you when you’re angry.

You’ll never see Thor without his trusty Mjolnir and Hulk without his green rage and so we created these printables so that you can be the superhero we know you are. If you require affordable ink cartridges or toner cartridges, whether it be original branded cartridges or Ink n Toner UK’s compatible cartridges, Ink n Toner UK can supply you with the highest quality products for the lowest possible price, guaranteed in our price promise. Also, don’t forget you can donate to the charity Caring for Kids, by clicking here.

Buy cheap ink cartridges and toner cartridges from Ink n Toner UK by clicking here

Print out the Mjolnir and Hulk’s fist by clicking the images below

edited thor

edited hulk

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About aalim

aalim is the "Creative Guru" at Ink N Toner UK, and writes the intriguing blog articles you all love to read. When he is not writing about things related to printers, he is exploring his mind to find other wonderful things that you will be happy to read about.