From Landfill to Refill

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In a day where whales are dying from polluted oceans and bees are vanishing at alarming rate for unknown reasons. It is more vital then ever before to consider the environment and go green. It is clear that our actions affect everything around us and we are being affected by everything around us at the same time. Over 45 million printer cartridges that are non bio-degradable end up in the landfill each and every single year.

Some of the chemicals in the printer cartridges can take up to 900 years to dissolve causing the soil to be intoxicated. A very Wiseman once said “do not spit in the water – because you might have to drink it later”. Even though the birds in the picture below seem to be loving it, by ignoring these serious indicators we are ignoring the future of the planet. If everyone does their bit, I’m sure we can make a huge difference.

What can we do to help to keep the environment cleaner?

The idea of 100% clean environment is a nice one indeed, however it isn’t really feasible in the foreseeable futue. The simple fact of the matter is that we cannot just stop living. We must eat and we must print, otherwise we won’t survive, but we are at a stage where in the battle of survival of the fittest, the fittest survivor is the biggest threat to himself and those around him. So what can we do? There are many things that we can do. We can start from little things because little things make big difference.

Here is the list of only 4 things that we can do to keep the pollution to a minimum.

  1. Firstly, Print Less and when Necessary.
  2. Secondly, Use compatible and/or Recycled Ink cartridges and Toner Cartridges.
  3. Additionally, third of all, Refill ink cartridges Professionally.
  4. Lastly, Recycle Ink and Toner Cartridges.

If we follow these simple rules, we as printer consumables consumers can easily say and be proud that “we have done our bit for the environment”. Less cartridges in a landfill means less problems!

For more information on recycling and refilling your inkjet cartridges professionally call Toni B on 0208 216 5571

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Written By: Donatas Ivaskevicius